Monday, May 17, 2010

Another day...

We made it through the night to another day. The atropine was restarted as he was still having gurgling in his chest. There was an issue with his last dexamethasone dose, so the nurse said to skip the dose last night. That is the biggest amount that he gets, 2 mL, and he choked on it yesterday. Darlene and I were with him, and it was awful seeing him go through that. It shook me to the core. She said to wait until the nurse gets here this morning to give it, but he was due again and being it was 2 hours later, I decided to give it, very slowly. It worked much better this time.

We had another issue overnight when we tried to move him and he choked again. Right now he is lying sort of to the right side, but he must be comfortable that way, because he didn't like being moved.

Now, the nurse said he may not make it to the morning, but he did make it through to another day. I knew that he was a fighter and wouldn't go right away, and last longer than usual, as expected. He is stubborn that way. :)

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