Friday, May 28, 2010


I haven't written much this week, getting back to work was a huge deal, and I have been exhausted. I didn't want to wait too long to return, because I knew there would be a lot of work waiting for me, and I also knew the longer I waited, the harder it would be. One thing that has been difficult is that my last conversation with my Dad was about a robbery we had in one of my stores. He told me that he hoped they caught the guy that did it, and in his own way, told me he was worried about me. I knew that he worried, although I always told him I could handle myself. :) It's hard to believe he and I had that conversation on Thursday, May 13th, the day before he started his seizures, and then he passed away that Monday, the 17th. At any rate, the police arrested the man charged with the robbery, and I'll never get to tell him. One of the last things he said to me was "I hope they catch him" followed by his usual, "Love you all." I responded, "I do too. Love you too, Dad." Then again, maybe it was Dad that helped them catch him. :)

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